
St Nicholas Church of England Primary School

Excellence for All, Excellence from All

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Uniform Information

Our School Uniform

As with all Primary schools, our uniform is optional. However, children feel a greater sense of belonging when wearing a uniform and it lessons the pressure on parents to buy 'on tread' clothes.

Our uniform consists of:

Grey trousers, shorts, skirts or pinafores. Blue and white checked dresses in the summer
White shirts and school tie
Royal blue v neck sweatshirt, v neck jumper or cardigan

Please name all items of clothing.


Sensible shoes are the most practical footwear for most of the year. In the
summer sandals may be worn providing they are not high heeled, or have thin
straps. Flip flops are not suitable. Boots are not suitable for wearing during
school time. If you wish your child to travel in boots, they should wear them to and
from school and change into suitable shoes or plimsolls for lesson time.

PE Kit

Shorts tracksuit bottoms/jogging trousers
Please place all items in a named draw string bag. Although plimsolls are sometimes worn for outside PE, children have bare feet for gymnastics and dance. If your child has a reason for wearing plimsolls for indoor PE e.g. has a verruca, please write a note for your child’s teacher.

Please name all items of PE kit


Uniformbase is the Approved Stockist for St Nicholas C.E.V.C Primary  School Uniform.

Please visit their shop in Chatham or click on the link below to visit their website

Parents and Carers are reminded that uniform can also be purchased from other providers, such as supermarkets, as our uniform does not need to be branded with our logo. Please ask if you need support with uniform, as we have a stock of new and nearly new uniform.
