
St Nicholas Church of England Primary School

Excellence for All, Excellence from All

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Our Wholesome Curriculum encompasses: • Heart- Feelings and responding • Head- ‘sticky knowledge’ • Hands- physical skills •Health- physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social and environmental


The Governing Body


The Governing body is made up of a cross-section of people who bring a wealth of knowledge, skills and experience to support and challenge how effectively the school is working to improve the learning and outcomes for all our children.


The duties of a governing body are set out in various regulations and in the Education Act 2002. These duties are many and varied but are a benefit to the community and rewarding to the individual governor.

Governors have general responsibility for the conduct of the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement.

The governing body works in close partnership with the Headteacher and all teaching and non teaching staff.

In order to carry out their duties, governors regularly visit the school so that they can develop their understanding of the school which will enable them to fulfil their statutory responsibilities for the conduct of the school.

Each visit is made to carry out a specific purpose. These visits are not a professional inspection or a monitoring or evaluation of staff since these are the duties of the Headteacher. The aim of the visits are to assist the school in achieving its objectives. 

Governors meet for full governors meetings four times a year in addition, governors serve on one or more sub committees. These sub committees are the means by which the governing body remains in close contact with the school.

Our sub committees are:- Finance, Strategy and Growth and Recruitment and Personnel.


Co-opted Governors

: Dr B Davis (Chair) 

Mrs L Prudence (Vice-chair) 

Mrs J Allen

Mrs S Griffin

Staff Governor:

Mrs Y Beaver  

Foundation Governors:

Mrs P. Jennings 

Mr R Foxwell

Local Authority Governor:


Parent Governors:

Ms J O’Sullivan-Bach 

Mr S Wilson 

Head Teacher:  

Mrs R. Gooch


The governing body is highly effective in both challenging and supporting the school. Staff and governors work very closely together to check how well the school is doing and plan actions to make teaching even better.’

(Church School inspection, 2018)


Governor Roles
