
St Nicholas Church of England Primary School

Excellence for All, Excellence from All

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Religious Education

As a core subject within our curriculum, we ensure that children are given plenty of teaching and learning time each week to develop and consolidate their RE. Our Children learn about Religion and its impact on believers, as well as the lessons we can learn from Religions; helping children to develop their own ethical views and moral compasses.

RE has a high profile within our curriculum and forms a minimum of 10% of weekly lessons, as per the Church of England's Statement of Entitlement. Monitoring of planning and lesson observations show that the needs of all children are met.


In RE: 

  • Children develop a wide range of higher level skills (enquiry, analysis, interpretation, evaluation and reflection) to great effect through the teaching of RE. For example
    • When studying baptism, EYFS children had a visit from our vicar to take part in the baptism of a doll. This experience helped them to understand the symbolism, significance and ritual of baptism.
  • Children have an impressive ability to reflect upon their own personal questions of meaning and purpose. This is evidenced through discussions with pupils. For example:
    • When studying the story of The Lost Son, children were able to relate it to their own families, relationships and siblings, identifying themes of fall out and restoration, betrayal and forgiveness.
  •  Assessments are carried out in line with other core subjects. The subject is monitored in line with other core subjects - learning walks, book scrutinies, children's voice and reviews. 
  • Teachers report progress and attainment in RE to parents in a similar way to other core subjects.
  • Our curriculum, which follows the Rochester Diocese RE Programme of Study, Understanding Christianity and NATRE planning, provides children with rich and varied opportunities to develop their knowledge and understanding of the Christian faith and other world views. 
  • Our curriculum provides children opportunities to understand and make links between beliefs and values systems of other faiths. Our curriculum facilitates children to draw on their previous learning and consider how believers of a previously studied faith might respond to an ethical or moral question.
  • Visits to the church have increased and wider educational visits enrich RE teaching, for example;
    • Visits to local churches
    • Regular meetings with the school's vicar (e.g. when studying specific events within the church calendar; Advent, Epiphany, Lent, Pentecost etc.)
    • Visits to Rochester Cathedral
    • Visits to other places of worship (ie Chatham Synagogue) support learning of word faiths. 
  • The RE Lead has completed the InspiREd Course, to research and evaluate opportunities to increase children's attainment of Greater Depth. 
  • The Head Teacher sits on the board of Rochester SACRE (Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education)
  • Our RE Quality Mark exemplifies the depth of our children's understanding, and we are proud to continue to strive for greater excellent in RE. 

How is our Wholesome Curriculum reflected in RE?

How is cultural capital developed through the RE curriculum?

  • We work closely with the local parish and community to continue the development of moral values and understanding of the wider community.
  • Charitable links remain a focus, as does seeking awe and wonder in the world around us.
  • Parents are welcomed into the school for Worship throughout the year
  • During Inter-faith days, children experience a wide range of activities, developing a broad exposure of religions and cultures through the arts.   

RE overview:

RE skills progression:

What does impact look like in RE?

  • Children demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the Christian faith and how to continue their own faith journey.
  • Through confident and skilled teaching and wider experiences, children enjoy their R.E. learning and are able to make links between their own lives, the life of Jesus and those of others in their community and in the wider world.
  • Having a wider picture of what and where their place is in the world equips our children with the tools and ability to understand and manage themselves as individuals.
  • Our children leave St Nicholas CEVC school confident and resilient in the face of life’s challenges. They are respectful of others and appreciative of their views.
  • Our children will be compassionate and to show empathy.
  • Children will be respectful and welcoming of diversity, encouraging tolerance of those with different faiths, beliefs and cultures and respecting the position of those with no faith or belief.
  • Children develop their own high aspirations and approach their next steps with strong moral values embedded in their faith and Gospel values.

Right of withdrawal

Children’s families and faith communities have the right to encourage religious nurture of children, fostering their faith. It is the responsibility of the school to provide Religious Education for all its children.

Parents have the right to withdraw their children either partly or wholly from RE.  In addition, teachers have the right not to teach the subject. Our approach to RE, however, has been constructed in the hope that parents and teachers will rarely, if ever, wish to exercise their right of withdrawal.

Those parents who wish to withdraw their child from RE lessons should inform the Headteacher in writing at their earliest convenience.
