
St Nicholas Church of England Primary School

Excellence for All, Excellence from All

Google Services





Financial information

Financial Benchmarking

Please use the link below to find the schools' financial benchmarking service.

To find our school, click 'school name' and type in St Nicholas CEVC Primary  School.

Schools Financial Benchmarking - GOV.UK (

Salary Statement

There are no school employees who have a gross annual salary of £100,000.

Charging and Remissions- 2023


To ensure that any charges made are fair and in line with our inclusive policy.

No child will be excluded from an activity because of inability to pay. Pupil Premium children do not have to pay for Breakfast Club or After school clubs.


Charges are made for

  • Breakfast Club.
  • After school clubs.


Voluntary contributions are invited for:

  • Events such as discos.
  • Trips.
  • Parties – e.g. Christmas and end of term.
  • Swimming


All parents/carers are invited to contact the Head Teacher if payments for any of the above are causing stress or difficulty. The Head Teacher can use her discretion to waive a payment or arrange a payment scheme to support parents in financial difficulty.



All charges are reviewed annually. Every effort is made to keep costs low. New parents are advised that they do not need to purchase uniform from the Uniformbase shop and are free to use other providers. 

