
St Nicholas Church of England Primary School

Excellence for All, Excellence from All

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Our Wholesome Curriculum encompasses: • Heart- Feelings and responding • Head- ‘sticky knowledge’ • Hands- physical skills •Health- physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social and environmental

Safeguarding, Child Protection and PREVENT

St Nicholas CEVC Primary School follows the relevant Safeguarding Procedures outlined by The Medway Safeguarding Children’s Partnership.

Medway Safeguarding Children Partnership (


We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the well-being and welfare of all children and young people, so we expect all staff, volunteers and members of the school community to share and contribute to this commitment. Protecting children from harm is everyone’s responsibility. 


For full details of our safeguarding arrangements please refer to our Safeguarding policy.

Child Protection is one of many aspects of Safeguarding, it is the term used to describe the actions to protect a specific child or children, who are suffering or liable to suffer significant harm.


Further support for parents and carers

All children are taught about keeping safe through age appropriate lessons as part of our PSHRE (Personal, Social, Health and Relationship Education) and Computing curriculums, as well as part of every day learning.

Please use the PowerPoints below to start a discussion with your child. There are many resources that offer further guidance, view the links below.

Safeguarding Handbook for Parents

Most children enjoy generally happy childhood experiences within their own family. Unfortunately for some this is not the case. During difficult family times, everyone who knows the child must do the best they can to protect them from future harm.

Spot Abuse

You may be concerned about a child or young person. You may or may not know them, or even their name. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. Abuse can take many different forms, such as neglect, sexual abuse, physical abuse and even emotional abuse.

Take Responsibility

Don’t assume that someone else will take responsibility and make that phone call. You could help to save a child’s life. If you are worried, report it.

Tell Someone!

Please contact Specialist Children’s Services or the Police immediately:

Medway Central Duty Team

Telephone: 01634 334 466

The Medway Safeguarding Children Partnership website is an excellent resource for parents to refer to.

Emergency Out of Hours

Telephone: 03000 419191

NELFT/CAMHS – Mental Health Concerns

Medway Young Persons Well-being Service is available 24hrs a day, 7 days a week if you are concerned about yourself or another’s mental health and well-being. Please call 03000 300 1981 / 0800 011 3474 option 1.

Useful Contact Details

NSPCC on 0808 800 5000

Child Line on 0800 1111

Safeguarding and Child protection Policy 23-24

Our DSLs (Designated Safeguarding Leads) are Mrs Gooch (Head Teacher), Mrs Gates (SENDco) and Mrs Edwards (Creators  Class teacher and Deputy Head). Our Safeguarding Governor is Ms O'Sullivan-Bach.

Our Mental Health and well-being Lead is Mrs Gates (SENDco) and out Mental Health and Well-being Governor is Mrs Beaver.

Our PREVENT lead is Mrs Gooch (Head Teacher)

Please ask at the office if you wish to talk to any of these people- we are always here to help.

All staff and governors have annual Safeguarding training and receive monthly safeguarding updates.

All staff and governors have annual PREVENT training and receive updates as and when they arise. 


We use CPOMS (Child Protection Online Monitoring System) as our safeguarding software because: 


  1. Safeguarding reporting form allows users to record the ‘voice of the child’ and to add an extra section for that important information. 
  2. The CPOMS software integration with various MIS systems enables users to report on attendance and safeguarding concerns about any child in their record. 
  3.  CPOMS is  a flexible and customisable system which allows the user to add categories that can record new and emerging trends, such as issues around gender identity or cyberbullying. 
  4. CPOMS can be used to monitor and record both concerns about behaviour as well as safeguarding issues. This enables safeguarding staff to gain a more holistic view of the child and identify potential risks indicated by a combination of behaviour and other concerns. 
  5. CPOMS allows settings to collaborate and share information with agencies at the local authority providing instant access to essential safeguarding information, allowing for better outcomes for the children. 

On-line Safety Policy

PREVENT Policy 23-24

Bullying powerpoint

My body belongs to me powerpoint

Other useful contact details

  • Non emergency number - 101
  • Emergency number - 999
  • LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer) - Tel: 01634 331065

Should you need further guidance or advice please arrange with our school office to speak with any of our DSLs.
